
Sunday, May 16, 2010


Jayden is 13...going to be 14 on May 20th...loves to play basketball, and ride his bike, dirt bike riding is a love of his also. He is the best brother ever and is an incredible kid, he already knows where he is going to college and what he wants to be when he grows up.


Laura said...

Wow! I'm impressed!
I have a 14 year old too. :- )

julie said...


Smile said...

Laura we will have to get them together some time.

Sherri said...

Now he is a very good looking boy!

Ivon said...

Your son seem to have has his head on right. Laura's husband, Larry, was into dirt cycles. We have some great sand dunes her on the coast, Larry still has is dirt cycle, which needs a little work to get it up and running. Jayden would have fun hanging with him and his boys. Larry J is 14 and Laird is 12. They would be the perfect host. :)

And of course, I have two full size fold away beds that will help keep you and your family a little comfortable.

Smile said...

Sounds fun! I will have to start planning, I am excited already...get ready for a house fun ;-)

Sherri...Thank you I will tell him.